"I" factor Theory Headline Animator

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Conman jailed for fooling lady love- The Times of India

Conman jailed for fooling lady love- The Times of India: "Conman jailed for fooling lady love"

Look what humans can do when they are so deeply in love with someone. Don't get me wrong. Every one of us goes through the phase when we do things just straight out of our hearts desire. But at age of 19, are we really mature enough?

I don't see any foul play here but what I see is compulsion placed on the young mind to become achievers and show off that they can earn that money. True heart feelings have been forgotten.

An ideal story would have been, if the girl in question, instead of demanding a good career from him, she could have inspired him to do something worthwhile. Just look at the devotion/commitment of this kid. His smart mind could have set him up as a successful entrepreneur. But nope, the princess of the story wished to be demanding.

Not that I mean to say the girl was wrong. The only fault is, with the changing value system of our society. I mean the society world over. The so called middle class, the upholder of value and tradition, is soon forgetting it all. Letting in the value systems as projected by the media.

Any one has a suggestion on how to correct this imbalance in the value system? Any insight into why this still happens? Any one with a different view point on this story? Looking forward to hear from others.

Monday, July 11, 2005

What is Love?

Some closeness brings the warm feelings and these feelings are usually confusing. Why is that we always make mistake in understanding what is love? Why do we always try to fathom this infinite universal phenomenon that’s called Love? Why do we want to understand it? Why can’t be just simply live with it? Why do we need to do certain things or act in a certain way because are supposed to be “IN” love?

I have seen those who fall in love, injure themselves. That’s exactly is my argument that one should not “fall” in love. Love is elevating. Love is exhilarating. Love is universal and it is so powerful and gentle that it can’t harm anyone. What love is it that breaks people’s heart? What love is it that in name of God, thy shall kill a fellow human.

I have seen the spin in the eyes of so called friends when they said they love me but what they really meant was they want to take things from me. My money, my peace of mind, my ideas, my honesty and finally leave me with their stress and difficulties. What good is this love?

Seeing the sheer abuse of the word “love”, I really get annoyed, paranoid, scared or whatever, when someone say they love me. I don’t see even a genuine affection exist anymore.

Where is all that gone? Or I am just being naively antique in my expectations? Who knows! Anyone, can throw some light on this?