"I" factor Theory Headline Animator

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers Day

As usual I was at FaceBook, looking at all the messages, updating game requests, commenting on other peoples status, you know all that FB thingy. Something really I noticed that stood out, today and made me a little sad too.

I saw many people on my friends list, had changed their profile picture. Now that is not what moved me. People keep changing profile pictures, no big deal. However, this were strikingly different. They all were posting pictures of their dads. How touching. I was completely moved by this. Those fathers must have been great and should be taking pride in their children. Who else would profoundly advertise their dads on Internet.

Yes, I have heard many sad stories of dad abuses and hatred to dad. Sorry, I don't like to hear any more. For some reason I find that people have completely forgotten that fathers also do play a major role in our lives. It may not be as vivid and colourful and 'nice' as a mothers role. Still, it is important and very fundamental.

Throughout literature, social traditions or media, father, being male, as been ignored or under mentioned, if I may say so. There are millions of pages written on mother, rightly, but hardly any on father. If there is 'character' that is really ignored or not treated well in this world, then it is that 'dad'.

I was sad for not been able to proudly post my dads picture on the web. I don't have one. I will have to dig old family pictures and see if there is any nice picture of him to post. I did something else. I launched and dedicated a brand new site to him. Aptly he deserves it and more. Once I have a nice picture, it will feature somewhere for sure. The new site is all about learning, my lessons, teachings ... and all that was initiated into me by my father. So the site is dedicated to him.

Go there take a look. I am sure you will like it.  

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Three Monkey Syndrome

Here is extract from one of my earlier blogs. I have just copied the smaller version to keep it amusing.

In my younger days, I was taught the lessons learnt from the famous ‘three monkeys’. I always wondered how come we have to learn from monkeys. Aren’t we supposed to be more intelligent than them?

Well never challenged the authority and still I don’t. I have realised that it’s better to find your own simpler ways of understanding life rather than conforming or confronting the established belief system.

In modern times I see people suffering from something that always took me long to explain. By the time the explanation was over, listeners and readers would lose interest.

Last night, I had inspiration that gave me the following interpretation of the three monkeys in modern times. Rather then they representing wisdom, they represent the lack of it. They still remain the wise monkeys but by mocking what we are doing, these monkeys are reflecting our mistakes and the pain that we suffer from that. So here is the new interpretation:


  • The monkey with mouth covered: Speak no Evil
  • The monkey with ears covered: Hear no Evil
  • The monkey with eyes covered: See no Evil

My Version:

First of all I call it as the “Three Monkey Syndrome”. All those who are suffering can be labelled as suffering this three monkey syndrome:

  • The monkey with mouth covered: I won’t express my true feelings
  • The monkey with ears covered: I won’t listen to the message from Universe
  • The monkey with eyes covered: I won’t see the reality

Well this inspiration is pretty new and I guess I will need to refine it further more.

Till then, hope you enjoy this different interpretation of three monkeys and maybe contribute towards refining it and making it more contemporary.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Some people just can't see


Ignore the above string, it is for verification purposes only. Need to be there so it proves that this is actually a blog and not some auto feed site.

So what is the topic today? "Some people can't see."

No I don't mean in in the sense of see physically but to judge the reality of life. Somehow they just tend to pile on. They forget that the other person is a human too. No matter how polite the other person has been listening to your crap all the time, you don't throw more at them insulting them on a very personal level for a very trivial matter. Especially after having received an apology.

I find it strange that the act of a genuine listening to someone becomes an obligation that needs to be discharged without complaints. Sorry to sound strange here. I will try to be more simple. You listen to your friend. Over and again. But for some trivial matter the friends gets upset at what you say. No it does not end yet. You immediately apologise and express your feelings saying that you will make sure this won't happen again and you get bloody labelled for being sarcastic!

It did hurt me a lot for being labelled sarcastic when I was not. I am sarcastic at times. I am very careful about when to be sarcastic. However not on a trivial matters. What eventually comes to mind is a very nasty feeling. Sort of I get goodies and presents from a friend, just to keep my mouth shut and say nothing. So... all this time I was living under illusion that I was respected as a friend. Nope. I wasn't. I was some stupid paid listener to winging of a grown up. Where I am not allowed to even say single word against the 'goodies' I receive. Oh my, I was such a fool.

Here, that 'Some' people in the topic is Me. I didn't see that. What a fool I have been. I was a paid listener all this time. I was a servant to someone. Not a free soul. I was 'poor' Hemant. I didn't even know that. Thank you oh Lord to pop my eyes open. Now I am free. I no longer will listen to anyone as being their servant. We are all equal. If one wishes to be my friend, be equal first and then we talk. No one is higher or lower. No one is under obligation. As a friend I give you your freedom to be what you want to be. Do give me mine to. Don't ask me to change or chain me to your expectations. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Big Red Button Syndrome

I had the honour and privilege to read this beautiful report, written by Marthe Dumas, on what most of you would be suffering. I appreciated this report even more as I could relate to it since I was a once suffering the same. The report is very concise and small and hence if I were to put more words in my review, I would not justify the original text so efficiently written by Marthe Dumas. It is even more impressive knowing that Marthe's first language is not English. She is French, and yet this report she has produced in English is really amazing. I liked the simplicity, the flow and the fun way she has presented the contents.
I invite you to download it and read it for yourself. It is free. Click on the image to get your copy.

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