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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Some people just can't see


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So what is the topic today? "Some people can't see."

No I don't mean in in the sense of see physically but to judge the reality of life. Somehow they just tend to pile on. They forget that the other person is a human too. No matter how polite the other person has been listening to your crap all the time, you don't throw more at them insulting them on a very personal level for a very trivial matter. Especially after having received an apology.

I find it strange that the act of a genuine listening to someone becomes an obligation that needs to be discharged without complaints. Sorry to sound strange here. I will try to be more simple. You listen to your friend. Over and again. But for some trivial matter the friends gets upset at what you say. No it does not end yet. You immediately apologise and express your feelings saying that you will make sure this won't happen again and you get bloody labelled for being sarcastic!

It did hurt me a lot for being labelled sarcastic when I was not. I am sarcastic at times. I am very careful about when to be sarcastic. However not on a trivial matters. What eventually comes to mind is a very nasty feeling. Sort of I get goodies and presents from a friend, just to keep my mouth shut and say nothing. So... all this time I was living under illusion that I was respected as a friend. Nope. I wasn't. I was some stupid paid listener to winging of a grown up. Where I am not allowed to even say single word against the 'goodies' I receive. Oh my, I was such a fool.

Here, that 'Some' people in the topic is Me. I didn't see that. What a fool I have been. I was a paid listener all this time. I was a servant to someone. Not a free soul. I was 'poor' Hemant. I didn't even know that. Thank you oh Lord to pop my eyes open. Now I am free. I no longer will listen to anyone as being their servant. We are all equal. If one wishes to be my friend, be equal first and then we talk. No one is higher or lower. No one is under obligation. As a friend I give you your freedom to be what you want to be. Do give me mine to. Don't ask me to change or chain me to your expectations. 

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