"I" factor Theory Headline Animator

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Feeling the pressure of a crowded place?

Well it is a sign of utter loneliness. Either self inflicted or being discarded by society. It is after all loneliness.

Where does this come from? One popular belief is “fear of being hurt (again)” where another one says “being hurt several time”. Both of them actually come from the same stem that is, being “hurt” by “others”. I feel its very true in its concept of “hurt” “fear” “other” but I feel the orientation or rather the flow of fear is somewhat incorrect.

Consider the following case:

An ordinary person, good hearted, well mannered, sensitive, honest and caring does not have any social life or friends.

One would think why is this good soul is all alone? Old school orthodox would say, he/she has had a lot of “hurt” from “others” in past and hence prefers not to be close to anyone. However, still going about doing good to others. I would agree only if the person had NOT been a loner too at the same time. A cold unapproachable, non-socialising, cut chop and finish conversationalist type of person will definitely suite the conventional argument of being “hurt” by “others” in past.

But I add a twist here. A person is very sociable and very approachable with ability to have long conversations and also add some muses to bring about nice lightness. Person has a rather a very warm welcoming smile. Why still he/she is still alone?

I would say because they are so hyper sensitive, that the very fear that they may “hurt” “other” stops them from socialising. It comes from deep abundant love for the “other” that stops them from connecting to other for a simple fear of “hurting” “other”. Here the “other” could be substituted with partner, soul mate, friend, family, husband, wife, parents, children and almost any other living human being.

I find it really interesting to see this behaviour in people who really love someone else. Usually the intensity of love drives them to do some aggressive things. But to avoid any connection, even slightest of remote connection, does not make sense. I have seen such people find absolute peace in extremely crowded places but when they are in solitude place or are by themselves, they feel extremely stressed as if they were in crowded place.

In an honest request I wish I could talk to someone who finds it true in their life. Maybe I can get an insight into this profoundly loving heart and maybe I can explore their fears in an attempt to let them out once and for all. This way at least the beautiful soul will live to the fullest potential.

PS: Sorry friends this time the article is sort of not well organised.

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